jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018


My mother-tongue is Galician and my father-tongue is Arabic. I speak this two lenguages and also I speak Spanish, Catalan and English. I started learning English when I was four years old, at infant school. My teacher taught very nice because I learned singing songs, reading stories, playing games... and I liked English. Also I learned English vocabulary, the numbers, the days of the week and the colors of the rainbow.
Now I'm studying Spanish, Catalan and English in High School. Three times at week I go to the English academy to learn more and to have a better expression  in English.


El passat 11 de nov. es va celebrar el centenari del final de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

Què va ser aquesta guerra?
La Primera Guerra Mundial va ser un conflicte bèl·lic que va començar el 28 de juliol de 1914 i va finalitzar el 11 de novembre de 1918. 
La causa va ser l'assassinat de l'arxiduc Francisco Fernando, d'Habsburg, hereu del tron de l'Imperi austrohongarès, a la ciutat de Sarajevo. Aústria - Hongria va acusar a Sèrbia de magnicidi i declarà la guerra el 28 de juliol de 1914.

Quins bàndols van enfrontar-se?

  • La Triple Entente o aliats: va crear-se al 1907 i els seus principals integrants van ser Frància, Gran Bretanya i Rússia. Més tard, es van incorporar: Sèrbia, Bèlgica, Japó, Itàlia, Romania, Portugal, EUA, Grècia, China i alguns estats latino - americans.
  • Potències centrals: va crear-se al 1882 i era constituïda per Alemanya i l'Imperi Austro - Hongar. També van incorporar-se l'Imperi Otomà i el Regne de Bulgària.
Image result for primera guerra mundial mapa

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

My trip to taste the Fetty Fetty Harburguer!

Las weekend, I can ate the best hamburger in the world, the Fetty Fetty Hamburger. I went to New York to taste it because a lot of people sayed that this hamburger is the best experience that you ever had, and they had reason!
The Fetty Fetty Hamburger was created by Hermenegildo Smith, one of the best cooks in the United States. He thought that the people wanted to eat something new, and he created! The folk was very congrats with his because he made a wonder.
This hamburger had chicken, salad, tomatoe, cheese, gherkin, onion and mayonnaise. It isn't healthy because it has a lot of calories,  but you can eat occasionally.