jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018


Hey, I'm Yasmin and I'm 15 years old. I'm from Barcelona and my mum too. But my dad is from Morocco; It's an amazing place to be inspired. I like study because I would like to have a future, so It's important; don't forget it! I'm a curious person and always I like to learn about new things.

I love pets and take care of the environment, too. Also I like do sport and have an healthy life. I'm a dancer since 2010. I love express myself with art: dancing, painting, drawing... Art started to like me since I was little, until today.

I like almost all styles of music: funk soul, hip hop, house, pop and more. One of my favorites artists is Beyoncé; I think that she's a queen! She's flawless 💖 I went to her concert and it was AMAZING !

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